2020. 2. 13. 17:33ㆍ카테고리 없음
(a) Approved personal fall arrest, personal fall restraint or positioning systems shall be worn by those employees whose work exposes them to falling in excess of 7 1/2 feet from the perimeter of a structure, unprotected sides and edges, leading edges, through shaftways and openings, sloped roof surfaces steeper than 7:12, or other sloped surfaces steeper than 40 degrees not otherwise adequately protected under the provisions of these Orders. Note: (1) Requirements relating to fall protection for employees working at elevated locations on poles, towers and other structures are provided in Section 2940.6(b) and (c) of the High Voltage Electrical Safety Orders. (2) Requirements relating to fall protection for employees working on poles, towers, or similar structures are provided in Section 8615(g) of the Telecommunications Safety Orders. (3) Requirements relating to fall protection for employees working in roofing operations are provided in Section 1730 of the Construction Safety Orders.
As 1670 Standard Free Shipping
Historical NFPA 1670-2009 NFPA 1670: Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents, 2009 EditionStandard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents identifies and establishes levels of functional capability for conducting operations safely and effectively while minimizing threats to rescuers. It's intended to help the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) assess a technical search and rescue hazard within the response area, identify the level of operational capability, and establish operational criteria.