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Pokemon Cursed Black Gbc Rom Download

sutopedisc1977 2020. 2. 15. 09:38
  1. Pokemon Cursed Black Gbc Rom Download Free
  2. Gbc Download Pokemon Hack

ChangelogA few new Deltas were added to the game for future MGifts, and a new Delta is obtainable ingame (find it!)One of the Mega Stones being unaccessible was fixed, and 2 more were added (so three new ones, really)A certain Delta was redesigned! (Hint: it’s hidden in Nasca Town)Worry Seed crash was fixedYou can now find Deltas in RandomizersFixed a rock in Dragon Ruins crashing.You can’t use Custom Move online (Fixed being able to do it and crashing)Randomized enemies will now have their Megas randomized to other MegasStreamlined Egglockes- now you don’t need to have all 4 moves on eggs, and other things.Fixed Ability Capsule.Fixed Roost + D.

Hey youtube, deviantart, twitter (if you guys still don't hate me from lack of updates), 4chan, 64d, gmc, and creepypasta fans everywhere. Welcome to the third beta release of Cursed Black.

If you are here to simply download the game and try it out, read no further than this paragraph: all the controls are inside the zip file in a textfile called 'readme.txt' (you'd be surprised how many people STILL ask me where the controllers are). Do note that this is a BETA, UNFINISHED release, and EVERYTHING in this game may be subject to change or incomplete. This is an EXECUTABLE windows file that will run on newer graphics cards, and nothing older than Windows XP. This is not in any way, shape or form, a ROM, a ROM hack, or anything of the sort, so it should be perfectly legal to download, since it is custom made by me.


If the game fails to work because you have an older computer (this is mostly likely the case in all problems I get complaints on), there is nothing I can do. Play it on a friends laptop. If you are unsatisfied with this game, keep reading.If you are here to complain, or try to correct me, this paragraph applies to you: this game does not actually exist. As in, the actual cartridge that is described in the story.

Anyone that tries to convince you otherwise is bullshitting you to the max. This is a FANMADE game that is not affiliated with the story in any way, the story was not created from this game, this game was created for this story. There is another group out there called 'CreepyBlack' that also tried to recreate this game. THAT IS NOT ME.

I don't care what those guys' project goals are, they are not the same as mine. I'm not trying to make the game creepy or scary, any suggestions that try to make this game like that will be most likely ignored. Take it to creepyblack. So far, I've recieved no programming help from anyone, so anyone that tells me to hurry up needs to shut up and put themselves in the shoes of a fulltime college student and part time working: I don't have time. Try to submit glitches through email (falknerreidd@gmail.com) with the header of 'Glitch:' so I can add it to the buglist.If you are here to help: spread the word!

Pokemon Cursed Black Gbc Rom Download Free

I've worked almost a full year on this game. I've worked on this long enough for other people to hear about this now.

Gbc Download Pokemon Hack

Let them know I'm flying solo on programming, some other programmers might get interested and try and help me. Donating also helps a lot too:) If you want to help in development: I've recieved dozens and dozens of emails from people who are intersted in helping for the past few months, but I've repeatedly said I can't recieve it at the time. If you are still interested, send me an email, NOW (falknerreidd@gmail.com), I WILL answer back and get you working right away. Current positions: Pokedex Entry, Mapping, Pokemon Stats Entry, Attack Details Entry. Send me an email with the following: paragraph telling me your level of interested, why you want to work on this, and how much free time you have, position, and previous experience with game development.Awesome music of trainer battle, and wild battle (unused in demo) by CrAzYgUiTaRrIsT, and sound effects by nnyix. Thanks guys:)Thank you to everyone who has stayed loyal to this project up to this point,reidd.